Tablet maker Chuwi has revealed the Chuwi HiBox. Powered by the quadcore Intel x5-8350, it should offer a moderate boost over existing Intel X5-Z8300 powered mini PCs whilst keeping staying a relatively small 120x120x25mm.
The mini PC supports dual operating systems, allowing you to use both Windows 10 and Android 5.1. This opens up an immense number of apps across both platforms.
The rest of the specs are good too. It features 4GB of DDR3 RAM, 64gb of eMMC storage, wireless AC, Gigabit Ethernet and Bluetooth 4.0.
Inside the box you’ll get the Chuwi HiBox Mini PC box, power adapter, HDMI cable, bracket, screws and an English instruction manual.
Where to Buy the Chuwi HiBox
The Chuwi HiBox is available from the following stores for around $140:
Chuwi HiBox Technical Specifications
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