GeekBuying are running an “August Grand Sale”, offering a number of coupons for site wide discounts with a minimum spend.
- $4 off for order $75 code: GKBAUG4
- $8 off for order $150 code: GKBAUG8
- $17 off for order $300 code: GKBAUG17
- $35 off for order $600 code: GKBAUG35
Unfortunately, the codes start with a $75 minimum spend and “on sale” items will have the price reduced from its original price so it’s targeting those spending a little more.
If you’ve got your eye on a new Windows or Android Mini PC, you may be able to save a few bucks.
If you’re not going to hit the minimum, you can always use the code “hometheatrelife” to get 4% off site wide.
You can check out GeekBuying’s range here.